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Kinsa FLUency Program

As parents and teachers, you know all too well what it feels like to find out that a bug is going around our school just a little too late. This year, especially in light of the COVID-19 crisis, we're bringing a public health program called FLUency to your school that will allow us to collectively track illnesses going around and proactively stop the spread of those illnesses to keep us all safer and healthier.

This program works by allowing all parents and staff at our school to sign up and receive a free, award-winning smart thermometer that connects to a private School Group in the free Kinsa app. As a participating parent/teacher, you'll have the option of using the thermometer and app to track your own family’s temperatures and any symptoms or confirmed diagnoses.

When you then input temperatures, symptoms, or diagnoses to the app, that information can be aggregated with the other students’ information and anonymously uploaded to a shared school dashboard so we can see if and when illness is spreading in a specific grade at our school. This information will of course never be tied back to anyone, but will give us a general idea of how our school is doing and enable us to take precautions to stop the spread of any bugs on the rise. This will also enable all parents and teachers to make smarter decisions about how to keep their families well.

We hope you participate to keep our school healthy this school year!


Kinsa Videos

Nurse's Office Staff

Barbara Burns

Employee Title


Employee Contact Information

School Email

Sonia Gallegos

Employee Title

Educ Asst: Health

Employee Contact Information

School Email

School Nurse Availability

Our school nurse is available at our school site on these days:

  • Mondays
  • Every other Wednesday
  • Thursdays

Health Office Fax Number
