According to theĀ American School Counselor Association (ASCA) School Counselor Professional Standards & Competencies, school counselors believe:
M 1. Every student can learn, and every student can succeed.
M 2. Every student should have access to and opportunity for a high-quality education.
M 3. Every student should graduate from high school prepared for postsecondary opportunities.
M 4. Every student should have access to a comprehensive school counseling program.
M 5. Effective school counseling is a collaborative process involving school counselors, students, families, teachers, administrators, other school staff and education stakeholders.
M 6. School counselors are leaders in the school, district, state and nation.
M 7. Comprehensive school counseling programs promote and enhance student academic, career, and social/emotional outcomes.
Additionally, the school counselor of Barcelona Elementary believes:
All students have a right to be treated as unique individuals deserving of dignity and respect.
Diversity should be recognized, appreciated, and celebrated.
All students have a right to a safe and positive educational environment conducive to learning and growth.
Every student is capable of outstanding achievement in academic, social/emotional, and career domains.
Collaboration among educational stakeholders is crucial for achievement of school, counseling program, and student goals.
The comprehensive school counseling program is essential to the progressive functioning of the school.
The Barcelona community is passionate about providing students with tools for success.
And that the comprehensive school counseling program should:
Be preventative in focus.
Be developmentally-appropriate by nature.
Be driven by outcome data for intentional development and objective evaluation.
Advocate for equity and access for all students.
And that the counselor at Barcelona Elementary School will:
Faithfully follow all state, federal, and local laws and standards, Albuquerque Public School policies and procedures, and professional ethics to ensure the safety, wellbeing, and interests of all individuals.
Seek consultation and supervision to advance her skills and knowledge.
Attend professional development events, including APS District counselor meetings, to uphold the quality of the school counseling program.
Every student at Barcelona Elementary School is highly motivated and well-prepared for achievement in a 21st Century world. Students consistently demonstrate the skills of critical thinking, conflict resolution, and problem-solving. They view challenges as opportunities for further growth and learning. Furthermore, students understand that all people deserve unconditional positive regard and unlimited opportunities to share their interests, skills, and talents. They establish and maintain supportive relationships built on mutual respect, trust, and caring. Their education has equipped them with the academic, social, emotional, and career knowledge, attitudes, and skills to reach their goals. Our students are leaders in the community who collaborate to make significant contributions to the betterment of their world, and they embrace their status as lifelong learners.
The Barcelona Elementary School Counseling Program is committed to equity and access, communication with educational stakeholders, engaging community, enhancing school safety and wellbeing, and continuous improvement to support the individual needs of all students. The school counseling -program delivers high-quality, data-driven instruction and services in social/emotional, academic, and career components to increase student achievement and opportunities. Through participation in a comprehensive, developmentally-appropriate, and inclusive school counseling program, all students graduate prepared for success in a 21st Century world.